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Browse Pathways Data

The Data Resource Center provides hands-on, user-friendly access to the Survey of Pathways to Diagnosis and Services (Pathways) data. Parents and guardians of children with special health care needs (age 6 to 17 years) ever diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, intellectual disability, or developmental delay were asked about the emergence of symptoms, the context of the original diagnoses, the providers who made the diagnoses, the child’s current diagnostic status, strengths and difficulties score, and the types of clinical treatments/interventions and educational services used to address the developmental problems, and other parental concerns or perspectives.  

The estimates on the DRC data query are weighted to be representative of the non-institutionalized population of CSHCN, ages 6-17 years old, ever diagnosed with ASD, DD, and/or ID nationally.  A total of 4,032 surveys were completed nationally for the 2011 Pathways.

The data query below allows users to compare national-level findings for children of different ages, race/ethnicity, income levels, diagnosis and health insurance type. The estimates at the Census region-level data are also available on the data query.

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